"Most of the items date from the 1860s and 1870s. Many reflect the concerns of Congress during Ramsey's senatorial years, and they include reports, speeches, and extensions of remarks. Particularly numerous are publications relating to the Civil War, slavery, suffrage, the Sanitary Commission, Reconstruction, the Freedman's Bureau, the Ku Klux Klan, the Union League, and the impeachment of Andrew Johnson. In addition, there are items concerning trade, tariffs, manufactures, agriculture, the public lands, mining and mineral resources, education, immigration, civil service reform, Cuba, Canadian-American relations, banking, currency, taxation, women's rights, the U.S. Navy, Army, and Merchant Marine, and the welfare of sailors, soldiers, and seamen. Ramsey's special interests in railroad and water transportation are reflected ... Ramsey's involvement with improved postal service, reform of the franking privilege, and establishment of a postal telegraph system are well represented ... Ramsey's concern with Indian affairs is well represented also": Cf. Guide to a microfilm edition of the Alexander Ramsey papers and records / Helen McCann White. St. Paul : Minnesota Historical Society, 1974. P. 45-47.